Are you an owner or part of a local business or community group??? We would love for you to support our club!
As a Curling Club, we have culers of all ages- from 6 to 86! We promote active living, teamwork, building skills, friendships and more!
We have lots of opportunities for support! Any and all types of support would be greatly appreciated. We will promote your business on our social media and at our club.
1. Having a sign posted in our ice shed
2. Bonspiel Support (Gift cards, Money or Items- food donations)
3. League Sponsorship (Cash or four gift cards from your business to be given to the winners of the league)
4. Supporting our Little Rock or Junior Program
More information around sponsorship to come soon!
For more information on how to support our club or become a sponsor please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We THANK YOU for considering supporting our club!