We are very excited to offer this new league for the upcoming 2024/2025 Curling Season!
Stick curling is new type of curling where teams are made up of two players on each team. Teams will play 6 ends with six stones thrown from each team per end. Regular stick curling rules will apply!
Weekly games will be on Thursday afternoons starting at 1:00pm until 3:00pm for the first group of 6 teams. Teams will play one game and the switch their opponent for a second game. Games take roughly an hour to play. So you will get to play two games per day! :)
If there are more than six teams registered, then there will be a second set of games from 3:00-5:00pm with the same format (teams will play one game and then switch their opponent for a second game).
We hope to be able to offer a stick curling clinic early in the season! Check back here for updates!
Team entry (two person teams) is preferred for registering but individuals are more than welcome to register and teams will be arranged.
For more informtion you can contact Larry Drew via text or call at 902-765-8180, or email being This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.